459055 Genie Pack Back To Work Mighty 04
FROM £29.98

FSC certified Mighty Box in Kraft (FC) containing Mood Softfeel Ballpen (FC), Kingsbridge 5oz Cotton Tote Bag (FCT), Hand Sanitiser 100ml Atomiser (FC), Antimicrobial Face Mask (FC), Greeting Card (FC), Mood Softfeel Notebook (FC), Vienna Foto Mug (FC), Mood Powder Coated Vacuum Bottle (LE).
Material: Paper.



Print type and position

On Request:

Price breaks and print colour options

Quantity 50 100 250 500 1000
Print £45.73 £38.27 £34.94 £31.71 £29.98
Print origination £336.875 £325.325 £315.7 £309.925 £302.225

All prices are exclusive of Artwork, Origination, VAT & Carriage